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年 | 論文題名 | 発表誌又は発表学会名 |
1992 | In vivo research on the effect of mechanical stress on vascular permeability(A comparison between heavy force and light force) (Iida J, Warita H, Kurihara S) |
The Biological Mechanisms of Tooth Movement and Craniofacial Adaptation |
1996 | Effects of aging on white blood cell movement in a compressed post-capillary venule. (Warita H, Nakagawa N, Iida J, Soma K) |
The Biological Mechanisms of Tooth Movement and Craniofacial Adaptation |
1996 | White blood cell movement changes in post-capillary venule during intermittent or continuous compressions. (Iida J, Warita H, Nakagawa N, Soma K) |
The Biological Mechanisms of Tooth Movement and Craniofacial Adaptation |
1998 | The alveolar bone - unique developmental, growth, and aging mechanisms and their relevance in orthodontics. (Warita H, Nowroozi N, Darendeliler MA, Zernik JH) |
The Biological Mechanisms of Tooth Eruption, Resorption and Replacement by Implants |
1999 | High levels of GM1-ganglioside and GM1-ganglioside b-galactosidase in the parotid gland. A new model for secretory mechanisms of the parotid gland. (Nowroozi N, Kim S, Segawa A, Warita H, Rice DH, Denny PC, and Zernik JH) |
The Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America Salivary Gland Diseases |
2001 | 高齢者の矯正治療 (割田博之) |
Quintessence Year Book 2001 |
2002 | 2. 機能的矯正装置。Ⅲ不正咬合の診断・治療法 (割田博之) |
イラストレイテッド・クリニカルデンティストリー 4. 小児歯科疾患・口腔病変・不正咬合 |
2002 | 高齢者の矯正治療 (割田博之) |
Quintessence Year Book 2002 |
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