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論文題名 発表誌又は発表学会名
1992 In vivo research on the effect of mechanical stress on vascular permeability(A comparison between heavy force and light force)
(Iida J, Warita H, Kurihara S)
The Biological Mechanisms of Tooth Movement and Craniofacial Adaptation
1996 Effects of aging on white blood cell movement in a compressed post-capillary venule.
(Warita H, Nakagawa N, Iida J, Soma K)
The Biological Mechanisms of Tooth Movement and Craniofacial Adaptation
1996 White blood cell movement changes in post-capillary venule during intermittent or continuous compressions. 
(Iida J, Warita H, Nakagawa N, Soma K)
The Biological Mechanisms of Tooth Movement and Craniofacial Adaptation
1998 The alveolar bone - unique developmental, growth, and aging mechanisms and their relevance in orthodontics.
(Warita H, Nowroozi N, Darendeliler MA, Zernik JH)
The Biological Mechanisms of Tooth Eruption, Resorption and Replacement by Implants
1999 High levels of GM1-ganglioside and GM1-ganglioside b-galactosidase in the parotid gland. A new model for secretory mechanisms of the parotid gland.
(Nowroozi N, Kim S, Segawa A, Warita H, Rice DH, Denny PC, and Zernik JH)
The Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America Salivary Gland Diseases
2001 高齢者の矯正治療
Quintessence Year Book 2001
2002 2. 機能的矯正装置。Ⅲ不正咬合の診断・治療法
イラストレイテッド・クリニカルデンティストリー 4. 小児歯科疾患・口腔病変・不正咬合
2002 高齢者の矯正治療
Quintessence Year Book 2002

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